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Dahabi Life

Giza Pyramids & Sphinx




S 01 Giza Sphinx with PyramidsExperience the powerful mystical energies of the Giza Pyramids, dated ca. 2,570 BC, built with sacred knowledge of the legendary Djedi guardian priests. Explore deep inside the Great Pyramid, and another one of the three pyramids, and discover how they were designed as “energy machines” of the ancient Golden Age technologies.


Visit the Sphinx, a Djedi symbol of human mastery over our own primal animal energies in harmony with nature, as the foundations for Spiritual Alchemy. See how the Sphinx visually evidences that the Giza complex actually dates back to ca. 10,000 BC, from the original Sumerian Magi priesthood of the Yazidis.


The Sphinx thus marks the tail end of the most ancient human origins era, which the Egyptian creation myths call “Zep Tepi”, in hieroglyphs meaning “First Time”, the original source of Golden Age energy technologies, before the corruption of humanity with loss of sacred knowledge. Astronomy science confirms that ca. 10,000 BC, the Sphinx was directly aligned with the constellation Leo, reinforcing its lion figure, and thus dating the Giza site.



Saqqara Temple of Sekhmet &Pyramid


S 02 Saqqara Pyramid FullVisit the Saqqara Temple complex, dedicated to the Djedi patron lioness Angel Sekhmet, one of the most ancient Djedi sites from ca. 3,100 BC, including the Djoser Step Pyramid from ca. 2,650 BC. Its Temple features the best surviving evidence of sacred sound architecture from Golden Age technologies, and on windy days some people can hear or feel its sub-sonic vibrations.


Many animal mummies including lions were discovered at this site, connecting it with the Djedi guardian priests as legendary wild animal trainers. Explore inside the Tomb of a Djedi Prince, a royal patron of the Djedi priesthood, with hieroglyphs indicating origins of the Indiana Jones bullwhip.



Egyptian Museum in Cairo


S 04 Old Museum CairoThe Egyptian Museum is the largest Egyptology collection in the world, allowing to closely examine all types of sacred artifacts from the Temples and Tombs, for a most detailed energetic connection with the spirituality of the sites. Connect with the largest collection of Royal Mummies up-close and personal, including the beloved Queen Hatshepsut (whose Temple is one of the pilgrimage sites). Also see the earliest 1st century Coptic artifacts, evidencing how classical Christian iconography developed directly from Egyptian sacred relics.